
# Interactive information design + Psychology

# Gesture interaction #AI Projection mapping #Product design

Team of 4 I UX research, Information system design, gesture interaction design, UI/GUI design, physical prototyping, user testing I May 2018~Aug 2018 — Renewed at 2021

Customized welcoming service to improve relationship and intimacy among family members : Dearbell aims to provide ‘a natural trigger’ for thinking about other people and starting conversation. For family who lives together, but feel apart, Dearbell gives chance to think about each other at least once a day.


A lot of Korean families doesn’t or can’t converse with each other, but they have strong passion to become intimate. However, some remarks that lack understanding for the other can be considered as ‘nagging’.


According to ‘stress theory’, decent amount of arousal is important to improve performance level. Therefore, Dearbell aims to give ‘proper amount of information’ gradually so that is not a burden to family members to become closer.

Dearbell’s approach is motivated from the book “One Small Step Can Change Your Life” by Robert Maurer. The book says, ‘if small questions are repeated, our brain prepares to answer’. Inspired by the book, I developed the concept of providing ‘trigger’ which can have the users ask questions to other family members to be more interested about their day.

Design Strategy

Dearbell aims to make people think about ‘how their family member’s day was’ via shoes. We provide small yet repetitive chance to care for one another.

Design Output

Dearbell consists of a beam projector motivated by ‘welcoming bell’ and based on the detected image/gesture interaction, it provides customized information.

Service Flow

1. Entering home

The number of steps is displayed behind the other’s shoes, and messages for me is displayed in front of my shoes.

2. Check message via beam

If you put your hand over the message icon, you can read the message left by another person.

3. Leave the feedback

If you want to leave feedback on the message, shaking fist creates smiley emojis which then go stick to the other’s shoes.

4. Check information for me

When you leave the house, you can check information before going out (e.g. the weather and bus schedule)

Features of Information Design

1. Image (Projection mapping)

Recognize image of my shoes / someone's / hand and show different information.

2. Timing (Mobile presence : In/out)

Show different contents when users go out / return to home.

3. Gesture interaction

Every information can be selected and changed via gesture interaction.

Information Structure

A. mine : a-1 : message leaved to me, a-2 : today’s weather, a-3. transportation arrival time, a-4. to do list

B. others : b-1 : today’s number of steps, b-2. feedback left by shoes’ owner.

C. deeper level : By closing and opening the hand, user can move to deeper level of information

Dearbell recognizes image and play projection mapping considering object & timing.

Projected contents (AI projection mapping)

B. Information of others

A. Welcoming message for me

A-2. Information for me _ practical things

C. Message contents leaved for me

Dearbell product design

Dearbell projector is motivated from ‘welcoming bell’. Technically, it supports automotive focusing in multi-layers, and AI projection mapping that shows image on a certain object and recognizes gesture interaction.

1. Product design: Dearbell naturally melts into the user's entrance interior. Using a wall mount or attaching it as a pendant light, user can customize the hanging style of Dearbell.

2. Multi-perspective beam projector can adjust focus automatically regardless of distance.

When user come in, bell rings and indirect light turns on.

Structure of Dearbell beam projector v

CMF: Dearbell consists of soft textures with metal frame. With the detailed finish of wood, it makes warm mood to improve warm communication between family members. v

Expandable possibility

The advantage of Dearbell is that it can match interactive information with real objects (person / product).
Therefore, it can be used in everywhere that customized welcoming services are needed — Hotel lobbies and movie theaters. etc.



Dearbell won second place for excellent evaluation among the exhibition participating teams, and it was displayed as a working mockup in Seoul, Korea for a week.

Work history


For three months, our team made Mockup and Physical prototyping for product design and beam interaction, and improved UX through continuous user tests.

User research & concept development

Product / UX / UI design

Making physical prototyping

User test / modified User Interface size / interaction way

Making Mock up